Gooseberries & Peanut Chutney Recipe

We are all aware of the health benefits of Amla, but don’t you think it’s so tricky to even eat one. A food that is loaded with vitamin C but is equally sour to consume directly, most of us have it as Amla candy or as Amla murabba and both of them are very high…

20 Winter Comfort food

Good food, and food to keep you warm through the chilly cold weather is something that I am  going to highlight in this blog. This will answer to all your winter food queries with a quick guide on 20 best winter food to keep yourself healthy. so pick up basis your palate and include the winter health food in your daily routine, Dont look any further on what food to have this winter

Ayurveda shots by Kiva life 

Ayurveda has answers to all our health problems. This science of natural healing has given us more health than one can imagine. Yet we utilise it so less, the health benefits  through Ayurveda are immense but lack of awareness around Ayurveda and approaching Ayurveda as a cure is not a priority for many. So why…

Evolve Snack Healthy

  All of us have this craving to munch on something just before lunch or may be during the evening time which is also called as snacking time. And while being in office we always have this go to colleague who always has these munchies in his drawer. Well—here’s a few reasons why it would…